Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What a great night

What a great evening we had for the party. Although there were others who were being pessimistic about the weather, all indications I got were calling for clear skies. And that is exactly what we got! Clear skies and a big full moon watching over us. Len had created a monster bonfire that had to be atleast 5 feet tall to start. Took a bit to get it going because of the rain but once it did, wowzer was it good. We built it on the stump of the old maple that was in the middle off the yard and had soaked it down with the old oil from the bikes since Thanksgiving.(thanks Jeep for the suggestion) The fire is still smoldering away and all ya need is to just add wood at this point and it would start up again.

We were a small group this time, not near as big as the corn roast but we all had fun none the less. We did our best rendition of Adam and Eve, yes I had the forbidden fruit and Len had his serpent. Now that serpent really kept the girls entertained! Not just was he popping out of the fig leaf but every time Len bent over to pick up firewood the snake would pop straight out between his legs. The girls were in stitches. I thought they were going to laugh themselves out of their seats. Do it again, come on Len bend over the other way. Kazza finally got a pick when he assumed the correct position. As usual Ed was in character, this year he was an aged hippie, handing out gerber daisies to all the girls and a few of the guys quoting peace and happiness to all. Ed and Sue didnt match as a couple but Suzie had a gorgeous sari on and she even wore a dark wig. Yep she had the bindi dot and there were a few jokes on that , and sorry Sue but couldnt help poking it a few times, hope I didnt give ya a headache, but then again I think you took your biggest headache home with you! Because he was in fine form by the end of the night. Dont think Ive ever seen Jammer let loose completely, he must have been enjoying himself, cause "it was the best party he had been to" Think I heard that a half dozen times. Adam and Kazz went all out as usual with matching costumes, Lord Spider and Princess of the webs, funny thing though the real spiders and webs kept attaching to Kazz. I knew those shoes although absolutely gorgeous, werent going to last long and sure nuf they did come off for more comfortable shoes. Rick and Sheila, well what can ya say, Sheila was a great Tina Turner, with those legs, definately had Ed drooling for awhile and Rick went all out. I guess on Sunday he finished the job and shaved the rest of his head. He came as a punk rocker and actually gave himself a mohawk and shaved the sides off, so he had to finish the job the next day. My friends Sue and Steve came up from Vic and considering all of Sue's creativity is in her baby toe, she did an awesome job getting their costumes together. They were Frankie and his bride and considering Steve is not relly into dressing up he did great acting as Frankie especially when we were all dancing around the fire to the Moster Mash. We had a few other miscellanious costumes and people there. And of course Miss Kaylee finally arrived home in her fancy witch costume that makes her look oh so grown up. I think I need a gun!

Lots of great food, and fun for sure.

Sunday rolled around and thankfully no hangover, I did my best to try and behave myself knowing what Sunday was going to bring. After being up at 5 on Saturday the time change was a pain in the arse. Mind you I managed to stay in bed til 6 which was actually 7 so I guess in a way you could say I slept in. We sat around doing the usual morning routine and waiting for Sue and Steve to get moving. The weather and roads were looking great and Len was starting to twitch. He needed a ride, well I kinda wanted one too but I had some major studying to do. He was thinking of heading to Vic to meet some of the boys club for coffee then Mountain called and said he was on the bike and free, so we decided to just meet up with him and have brunch, then they could go and play if they wanted while I returned home to study. So off we went for a good hard run to 18 and then circled back to meet the Mountain at the Oak. Wouldnt ya know it but the boys Len was going to met showed up there as well. Nice to see them all. The boys decided they were going to get some beers and attack Mountains seat. Changing it back to a solo. Only problem is this old 90's bagger can be a real bitch. When we did the lights for him, I think Len cursed for an hour trying to get the solo seat off just to do the wiring. Now they had the tour pac and two up seat to deal with. I wished them luck and off I headed home, while they went back out to the lake.

I parked my but in the office and after a babble session with the girl, sshe finally let me get on the task at hand. I finished my journal entry for Friday and then was starting to work thru the review sheet, when I could swear I heard a bike, and stereo. Thinking that didnt take them long and Len was back already, I was looing out the windows but couldnt see anything, opened the front door and stepped out to look. Kaylee banged on the window and told me to get back in the office and do my work, damn little boss. I tried to say I hear a bike and she is looking at me strange. I turned and looked towards the main door and HOLY SHITSTICKS BATMAN - there was Paws standing there all in her gear. I went flying to the door and just about wiped out trying to turn the corner. Wendy and Dez decided to ride down for a visit or to take me for a coffee, since we hadnt seen them for awhile and they missed having us at their party the night before. Glad to see she is back on her bike. They didnt stay long but it was great to have them pop in. Guess it is our turn next time, to head to Comox and surprise them. Doesnt look like she will be leaving for her training until after the Olympics. That kinda sucks cause she will be away for the whole summer then.

Finally got back to my books and managed to finish up the review sheet. Took awhile and there was a couple questions that I couldnt find full answers too, but I knew we would be going over them in class on Monday. Now just to make sure all this shyte is in my brain. Yep Im a worry wart and since I havent been in school for over 20 years I was concerned bout taking the test. Looking over the review, I didnt know if it was all going to sink in and if I wasnt going to confuse half the info then screw up the answers. Im going to keep going over this review and especially once we get them back, the ones I messed up, cause Im sure all of it plus the next 2 weeks will be on the final. I really pushed myself trying to study all of it and get it to sink in but I was finding that some of it just wouldnt go. I dint want to get perfect or high marks, sure that would be nice, but didnt want to fail it either. I am hoping for middle of the road 70s maybe 80s would be nice. I need atleast 60 to pass, and I think I got that for sure. I dont want the high marks cause then you feel like you have to keep them there, but with middle of the road there is always room for improvement. I worked away all day on SUnday, we reviewed our answers on Monday and then I spent Monday night trying to wrap my head around it all, and then Tuesday morning, I steped away from this contraption and sat at the kitchen table, trying to push the last confusing answers into my head before having to leave. I finally said phuk it around 11 and started getting ready to go. Had breakfast with Len then we jumped the bikes and headed south. Good idea to take Therapy to my therapy exam. I think I needed that moment of lucidity. If I had of taken the truck, I more then likely would have had my notes out and tried to keep studying while driving.

Well I got there and thankfully I wasnt tooo on edge. Quite surprised as I know in high school I had major test anxiety and would fail because of it. I was actually pretty relaxed and just wanted to get the show on the road. Kaylee has been home sick since the weekend (no dont think it is swine flu cause she isnt burning up, no fever at all) and before I left I went and checked on her and she wrote "good luck" on my hand again. When I got to class my phone was going off, so I had a look and it was a double text message from Kaylee repeating good luck for the whole 2 texts with a big exclammation at the end. Gotta love my girl. I think she realizes how important this is to me even though she doesnt want me trying any of these theories on her! Len took off to run a few errands around town, told him I wasnt sure how long it would take, all I knew is we are allowed to leave when we are done. Could be an hour maybe two, I would just text or call when I finished. Well it only took bout an hour to finish and I actually brreathed a sigh of relief when I did a quick scan of it all. Alot of the stuff I was trying to cram in my brain was done in the multiple choice or matching sections and not in the definitions or short answers. I know I completely screwed up one of the short answers. I wrote down one set of answers then thought nope not it and wrote another set, then thought nope not it, then I just said screw it cause I cant keep changing it and knowing my luck Im second guessing myself and the first ones will be right. There is a bit of hope on that one as the second set I put down could kinda be used as the right answer although I dont think it is exactly what she was looking for. When I looked at my notes after I kicked myself cause it was really one of the easiest questions to answer and I turned it into something difficult. Besides that, on the written stuff I should do ok at least get 1 mark out of the 2 for sure if not both just depends on if I described it enough. The matching and multiple choice were pretty simple but there was one that I considereed a trick question and could answer either way. I went with first instict on it but if she marks me wrong Im going to explain myself and argue with her, even if it is only 1 mark!

Now Im sitting on edge just wanting to know how I scored andif all the self torture was worth it. Im thinking I did alright but just to see how alright is the thing. How much am I going to need to improve or am I going to have to keep up the same routine so that I keep the marks consistent. Not sure when we get them back but hoping it is today cause I really want to know!

Oh well wait and see I guess, looks like another great day before the rains again, so I think we will have to have some Therapy again on the way to school and home of course.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, I met that big headache the next morning! It was a great party! :-)

Sounds like you did fine on the exam. Fingers crossed!