Sunday, May 30, 2010

Conga BBQ

This is a little conglomeration that I fixed for Flo about the BBQ and photo shoot. She is sending it into BDB for the paper.

Just want to say thanx to all of those that came by to start us off on the right foot.

Conga III Update

This past weekend my good friend Jenn Geeson and Len Redekopp hosted a Barbeque at the Movie Gallery in Mill Bay. Jenn has ridden in the past two Congas with me, as well as helping organize me and the Conga itself. She went out of her way organizing the BBQ to make it another huge success. When those two get together, they can put on a great event. On Sunday May 23rd, we managed to raise close to $700.00 selling hot dogs, burgers and Breast Cancer items.

As you can see we had a great time doing it. The sea of pink rolled in slowly on pinked out bikes. The riders themselves were dressed in anything from a neon pink wig and pink bra on the outside of their clothing, to full pink leathers, gloves, and boots. We even had the guys join in wearing pink, from wigs to glasses and leis. The bikes were from mild to wild so to speak. Simple decorating of breast cancer ribbons on the tins and pool noodles wrapped around headlights and taillights to full blown Conga machines, that included flags, magnets, pink crystals stuck to every imaginable place, pink leather in the tassels and even pink sheepskins. We left Jenn in charge of the orders and as usual Len was an awesome cook for the day. They kept up with the orders and everyone was happy with the food, especially the combo burgers which had a wiener sliced in half on top. The rest of this roving band of pink took to the highway to draw in the customers. It was definitely traffic stopping to see this group in pink flagging down traffic. There was also the introduction of a new Conga mascot who became known as Rozilla, that was so entertaining she almost caused a few accidents.

Thanks so much to Jenn and Len for all their hard work! She is way more than just a spirit rider this year!! I would also like to say Thank You to Doug at the Movie Gallery – Mill Bay, for his space and support, Rory from M&M Meats – Duncan, for the burgers and dogs and also Dave from Save On Foods – Westside, for all of the buns. Without you, all of this would have been impossible.

A lot of the Island Riders came out to support this event. The first being the SCRC riding club from Victoria that got the coals going and the BBQ off to a great start. We also had riders stop in from Port Alberni and even from the Mainland. A lot of the gals riding in the Conga this year came out and some of us were meeting for the first time. Everyone got decked out in pink along with their bikes.

We have our very own Conga Photographer from Campbell River that came down for the day, Mike Goodman from MG Digital Art. He took many candid pre Conga shots of us while going about hustling up business and he will be making a DVD with all the pictures and donating a portion to the Conga Cause. After the BBQ, Mike followed the group to Whippletree Junction, known for its false front buildings to do a photo shoot of the Conga Chicks and their rides. With a small shower passing through, we thought it was going to end the chances of some photos, but the sun came back out and we found this great back alley courtyard with a fountain that we all parked in. Each bike in front of a different store. The merchants came outside to see what was going on and loved what we were doing, the riders in pink and the bikes. One merchant spent the rest of the day with us taking her own set of pictures of everything that was going on and another we found out was a Breast Cancer Survivor herself and was so pleased that we were doing what we are. Eventually we thanked Mike for his efforts and the gang said goodbye and split up to head to their own destinations. Mike will be following the Conga as it leaves and stopping at each pick up place on the Island. He will be filming us coming in and leaving and meeting us at the next stop.

Jenn is also putting on the Grand Finale Show and Shine August 14 for when the Conga returns. This will be in Nanaimo at Timberlands Pub. Be sure to mark it on your calendar. We are having live music, food, vendors, 50/50’s, all of the regular categories plus an extra PINK category!! At the end of the day, besides the awards, we will be handing over a cheque to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, BC/Yukon Region. We are still looking for vendors and donations for the show, so if you are interested in being a vendor or have an item to donate for a door prize, please contact Jenn at

If Sunday was just a sample of what this girl can pull off, then August 14th ought to be fantabulous!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Well it has been a hectic week, that's for sure. Started a new course after the rotten one we just finished. Overall for the last course was a 99, did far better on the exam then anticipated. When the teacher called me on Friday evening as requested, I actually broke down in happy tears. I was shocked to score so high cause I was having a hella time getting the words off the tip of my tongue and onto the paper and with everything that had transpired over the course I was not feeling good about writing it. The negativity and bad omens surrounding the projects, the passing of our friend and here we are studying death and dying. This course is better but with the holiday thrown in, we have to make up hours and we have a midterm and major project as well as a final. Well Ive done the midterm but havent started the project (that is next on the agenda) Bust my arse to get it going to hand in on Thursday. We have our final on Friday again but I requested that I write it early and in Duncan so that we can get on a ferry sooner. Well I was hoping for 930/10 maybe but I guess Im going in at 830 now. So much for my morning cram session. Now Im not sure about this trip, cause they are forecasting rain the whole time we are away,and that is not going to make for a happy trip.

The rest of the week was tied up with loose ends being dealt with for the Conga BBQ. Things were falling thru and it was all going to be last minute if it happened at all. Well it all worked out in the end. Everything was lined up to go and it was just a matter of picking everything up and going for it. Saturday morning found Len and I running to Duncan to get the necessities and then decided to take a little ride on the bikes before having to deal with the buns. the plan was for Flo and group to check in the motel, then empty their bags and head down to Vic to meet us so then we could get all of the buns in the bikes and save another trip to Vic in the car. Well 5pm, I get the message that they arent coming so into overdrive I go and manage to get it sorted out. Still ended up in a trip in the car on Sunday morning but at least we werent doing it all on Saturday night. Sunday morning rolls around and into warp speed I go. Have all the veggies to chop up, things to pack, Len making a dash to Vic for the buns and then we have to get the truck loaded with BBQ, tables, food, etc. And wouldnt ya know it but I managed to pull my shoulder lifting the damn Q into the truck. Thankfully I managed to stretch it out and the pain subsided, but I had a feeling I might be feeling it today which I am. We got everything together and off we went to the plaza and to the rest of the group that was there waiting. We got everything set up and wouldnt ya know it but just as Len was about to throw the first of the meat on the 443 group came rolling in for food. Was really great that they all came up to support us and heck they even found Keibler and brought him with them. It was great seeing him as he isnt around enuf these days with all his training he is doing. The day seemed to go in waves, we would have a mad rush and then it would seem to calm and you were caught up and think you were going to get to sit down and then bammmm another wave of people came in. Made for a steady busy day for sure. Flo had arranged for her photographer friend to come down and take pics of the day and after a little photo shoot up at Whippletree. So Mike was around all day taking assorted pics of everything going on. One of the local newspapers came by and did some pics of all us gals, so will have to remember to grab the papers on Wednesday to see whats what. Overall for the day when we shut down around 230, we had sold out on hot dogs and over half the burgers. Between the food and Flos BC goodies we ended up bringing in almost $800. Our quick count was around $760 but Im sure there is a bit more.

we got the BBQ wrapped up and everything loaded back into the truck, Big E went with Len back to our house to unload everything, and us girls raced up to Whippletree for the pics. First Mike did a set of all the bikes together in front of one building then thy went looking for another set of buildings to do individual ones. Well we ended up pulling the bikes right down into the inner courtyard of the place and he did many pics there. Of each bike and rider in front of a different store, then he did a few extra of mine and Lens bike dePinked. We actually had a great reception from the merchants there as well. One of the ladies is a BC survivor and thought it was great what we were up to. Another merchant was out there snapping pictures like crazy of us, our bikes and the whole shenanigans. She kept saying this was the best thing that happened all day. When it was all finished we said good byes. Lady Di, was beelining home hoping to escape the rain and in her mood she was sure to get there quick. She had her so called buddy put a stabilizer on the trike and he put it on the wrong way and wouldnt ya know it but she must have hit a pot hole in the road that cause the forks to go down, fender to come up and now she has a wonderful dent in her fender from this phuk up. Needless to say she was none to happy when she discovered it. The two pink queens were heading north until they got rained on and then were going to hole up somewhere, for all they knew it might only be Duncan. Havent heard anything so who knows how far they actually got. Mir headed south with us and decided she was going to leave hubby Pete to deal with the kids and she was going to stay out and play for awhile. We took the backroads home and we sat around the house and bullshitted, had a few beers and then dinner. When all was done it was time for her to head over the hat and try and hit home before dark. Nice relaxing end to the day. After that, all I know is that the two of us curled up on the couch and watched tv from the back of our eyelids!!!!! Body drained and tired, we were done.

So on to the next week, have to get this project happening, then going to have a final review to work on as well. Thursday night will be busy, packing up and getting the bagger loaded for the morning and try and study some. Friday morning up and at 'em, up to Duncan for an 830 exam and when Im done its straight to a ferry to get outta dodge for the weekend and the festivities in the interior. Should be fun and of course we will get to go by our favorite winery again, with both bikes we should be able to bring home a few bottles. Hehehe.

K thats enuf for now, time to get to work if I want out for a while later on.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The dreaded Project

Writing your own Eulogy Project

Jenn Geeson was born 4 decades ago in Scarborough, Ontario. She was raised in the east end suburbs of Toronto. She attended elementary school in Oshawa, and high school in Whitby. During her childhood she was active in many different sports. In the summer it was primarily soccer that she played and eventually started coaching, and during the winter she played both hockey and ringette. Again she started coaching and refereeing the game of ringette. She spent many late Friday nights going with her step father to play hockey with him and his friends, until he was politely asked to leave his girl at home cause she was making them look bad. After graduating high school and spending a year or so working in Toronto, she moved to British Columbia. She lived mainly on Vancouver Island but also set up roots in both the Interior and the Yukon.

In 1994, Jenn gave birth to her daughter Kaylee and is the world to her. She could not have asked for a better child and even though Jenn is not here with us, Kaylee may just be a twin of her mother. At times Kaylee was the exact opposite of her mother and Jenn couldn’t figure that out, then the baby dragon would emerge and make her momma even prouder. Jenn had 2 special relationships in her life. The first with James (Bull), where after a year together they bought a house and moved to Cobble Hill. At first Jenn fought tooth and nail about having to drive the Malahat daily to get to work, but since then she has daily tried to set the land speed record on her daily commute. After 6 years they went their separate ways, but still remained great friends. Sadly Bull passed away in a bike accident in 2008. It was a hard time for both Jenn and Kaylee, to lose someone so important to them. In 2009, Jenn finally may have found her soul mate. It is just a shame that it took them 15 years to get together. She leaves behind her best friend and true soul mate Len. Although he aided her while going thru school, she sure helped him in all areas. Always keeping him organized, going to work with him and helping with tile and hardwoods or just being his pack mule for the day and carrying over 1000lbs of tile up 3 flights of stairs by hand while he worked. The two of them were inseparable and it wasn’t often that you would see one riding without the other. They were like a well oiled machine and just worked well as a team.

After having her daughter, Jenn realized that she needed to get some training to have a stable job to help raise her daughter. She decided to get her cosmetology license in 1995. She was a hairdresser for over 10 years and for 7 of them she worked in a care facility. She loved working with the seniors. Not only were they a wealth of knowledge and full of stories of days gone by but they all seemed to live vicariously thru Jenn and her antics. They were amazed that she rode a motorcycle to work and many wanted to see it. When she left the care facility, Jenn took an Administration job close to home. She was basically running 3 business and the boss until just 3 short weeks after Bull died, so did her boss in a boating accident. Even with this turn of tragic events, Jenn was able to keep things together both for herself and the businesses that she was asked to take charge of for the time being. Eventually they were closed down and Jenn needed to make another change. She decided to go back to school and take the Community Support Worker Program in the hopes of working with teens with addictions. Well, she graduated with honours from the program and even though she pushed herself harder she was amazed that she maintained the marks that she did. Not too shabby for a dumb biker chick!

Jenn had a very creative side and was always making something. During Kaylees childhood she made many of her clothes and always made her Halloween costumes. She even made matching Christmas dresses for them one year. She had a knack when it came to a sewing machine but also her creativeness was witnessed by the designs she would make in pumpkins every year. For years, she sold her creations to the local Harley dealership. Many times I heard her state that she wished she had not stopped drawing as she was a fine artist as well but life just seemed to get in the way of all the things she would liked to have done. She even went so far as to decorate Len’s bedroom in Harley motive, which all started by painting the walls burnt orange then free handing the Harley logo on the wall above the headboard. During her 20’s and early 30’s she spent a great deal of the summer playing baseball. You wouldn’t know it but Jenn was a long ball off field hitter that stunned most teams. She could send the ball deep right field without batting an eye. She enjoyed camping with the family and did quite a bit of travelling as well. She had been to England, Wales and Scotland when 9 years old, a trip to Mexico at 17 and over the rest of her lifetime the only part of Canada she had not been to was the Maritimes. She has also been to a number of the states on both the east and west coast. In her mid 30’s, she finally fulfilled one of her dreams, by getting her own motorcycle and learning to ride. After a rocky start, she took to it with a vengeance. Even though her bike was smaller, she was determined to keep up with the big dawgs and after only 6 months she was getting rid of her disposable bike and bought her first Harley. Mind you she didn’t keep it long as she wanted something bigger after she had spent so much time “stealing” Lens bike. She loved being out on the big touring bike and being able to ride it like she stole it. (Which she kinda did at times) She always loved stating the fact that when the guys on the same size bike would see her, the looks on their faces were of pure amazement and then she would twist the throttle and out do them. With her new found love of riding also came her generosity in helping and enabling other new women riders and her passion for riding for a cause. She has spent many long hours both organizing and riding for the benefit of Breast Cancer, a cause that was always close to her heart. She has pushed herself on many bike runs, proving to herself that she was capable of anything. She rode into the USA on her own thru rain, snow and sun, on a mission to find a friend and bring them home. She also accomplished what very few would even try and ride over a 1700 kms (1000 miles) in one day.

Jenn was a diamond in the rough but a class act just the same. She might seem hard and bitchy but if you took the chance to get to know her you would find that she was truly the opposite. She had a carpe diem attitude, zest for life and generosity of spirit. If you gave her lemons, somehow she would make lemonade. She wouldn’t take No for an answer, it was always go big, go home and get over it! She was always in the lead somehow and was obviously a born leader, and she worked well under pressure. She was always organized even though she would quote that “it was like herding cats” trying to keep us all in line. She would keep the routes straight (if only in her head) so that we all got to where we were going and she would do this without using a map. Even with all of this she still had a tendency to mother everyone, especially on the road. She would be the first one up and getting everyone coffee, even if she had to ride down the street to find it. I still can’t figure out how she would bring back multiple coffees on her bike. She tackled a career change in midlife, which is a hard thing to do, especially competing with the young 20 year old brains! Yet again it was a competition to her and she had to be out in the lead. There were so many driving characteristics in Jenn. She was sincere, caring, compassionate, thoughtful, loving and you could always count on her to have your back in times of trouble. Her intelligence and spirit are to be admired by all. Jenn was fun and adventurous and there was never a dull moment with her around. Jenn was the hostess with the mostest and always held the best of gatherings big or small. I can see it now, she will be the party coordinator for the big man upstairs!

Jenn was loved by many in all walks of life. She may not have been perfect and will probably not end up as God’s right hand woman, but hey she had other qualities that counted. She shared an enthusiasm for life with her friends that in turn made their lives better for knowing her. Jenn wouldn’t want you to shed a tear but to party on in celebration of her life. So now let’s raise our glasses in her memory and seize the day!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

For Bear

Okay, trying to write damn it, just for you!!!!!

Life gets in the way sometimes, and will try and pay more attention to my blog for those that want to read my ramblings. Now that I have my new puter, I can actually bookmark and find my blog again.

Well quick up to speed, been busy as hell, with school, organizing the show n shine and of course riding. Seems that it is now the season and have been out and about somewhere every weekend. Keeps me on the go, which is fine, cause I need to be busy but sometimes I think I just need to relax and take it easy. Think I will try and do that this weekend, nothing major just enjoy the sun, the bike and do a few minor errands in the process.

School is still going awesome! Still raking in the big marks, even though I have no clue how I do it some days. I barely study for the exams, just cram a few hours the morning of and then go for it. My projects have all been coming back 100%. Course prior to the one I just finished was on Mental Disorders and I used Vince as my subject and yep got 100. But then again we all know he is disturbed! This past course took me thru the wringer. Last Monday we started it and she gave the course outline and the projects and I threw on hell of a fuss about doing them. they were so dark and negative and it was just something I didnt agree with. But if I wanted to graduate, I had to suffer thru and find a way to do them. She let me adjust part of one a bit, cause I just didnt have anyway of writing anything on it. Well the first project got me another 100, thanks to the slight adjustment I was able to make. I wrote more about my dads passing and then the second half was my beliefs and she let me be somewhat imaginative and I wrote more about the urban myths that we as riders have surrounding our departed riding friends. She stated on it that it was beautifully written. But then I have been told that I do have a way with words. The second one that we will get back on Monday, we had to write our own eulogy. That was giving me a shit kickin, but thanks to comments from friends on FB, I was able to pull something together to write about. I still wasnt comfortable doing all this, and the whole course my spidie senses were tingling with bad vibes. I just had a feeling that something was going to happen. didnt know when or to who but in the end I was right. I turned the eulogy in a day early at 1 pm and wouldnt ya know 7 hours later we have a friend die on his bike. I hate having these feelings and I hope the hell I dont have anymore for a long while. Needless to say I didnt go to class the next day, as it was all about the last hours of death and dying. Not like I could sit and listen to that. I just took the day to myself and didnt do much of anything.
Oh well all I can say is Im glad its over and we can move on to something more positive hopefully.

On another note, I only have just over 2 months of classes left, and then Im on to my practicum, doesnt seem like it has been that long and Im there already. Look out world here I come!!!

Kay has her learners and she is getting there but it is still kinda scary. She would rather drive with Len then me, and ya know that is fine with me!!!! She hasnt been out in the car much as it is a standard and I havent found a parking lot that is large enuf that she can practice upshifting before I take her on the streets. The truck of course is bigger but besides wandering to the right and heading for the ditch, she is pretty good with it. But the wierd part, ya put her on a 2 lane road she goes right, take her on the highway with 4 lanes and she goes left! I dont get it at all.

Beyond that general stuff, life is just the same up here in the toolies. Seems as though the weather gods are smiling on us finally, which means I guess I have to get off my ass and go wash the bike. Presumably, Im not going to run into anymore rain storms on the way home.

Well there ya are Bear, quick run down to make ya happy, I will try and be more prompt about writing again.