Saturday, November 14, 2009

Busy 2 weeks

Well, its been a bit since I posted anything, but between being sick, having 2 projects and a final exam to get in and going away last weekend to help friends with a new floor Ive been a bit busy.

Fighting this damn bug has been the worse. I thought it was just the same old Sinus cold I always get. Atleast that is how it started out. Like I said the girlchild was sick the whole week before and only went to school one day. That was the day I woke up feeling like I had eaten a sandbox and the pain was shooting thru my eyes. I went with my regular regime of fighting it off with over the counter meds, sinus cold pills and double doses of neo citran for sinuses. I still went to school even though I felt like a bag of crap and took in as much as I could. Kinda worried though, thinkin that I was going to have to cram a ton to get this couple days into my head for the final. I made it thru Thursday and Friday at school and Saturday didnt feel to bad, maybe the meds were makin a difference.

I packed up all my homework for my project that was due on Monday and off I went with Len to do Rick and Sheilas floor. We were also having a poker game that night but at the last minute, Ed and Sue jammed out as they were sick as well. Damn good thing they did as I would have had to take all their money too!!! LOL Rick ended up helping Len for the most part and I sat and did most of my homework. It was more a matter of making all of the visual aids for my presentation as the written portion was finished. Ok maybe I am a bit of a perfectionist, or maybe Im just going full tilt to make sure I get a good mark but I had a ton of things I was trying to make to use. We had a great time in Nanoose getting the floor done, and what great hosts. Huge roast beef dinner, Sheila went and got oysters from the ocean and we had those as a midnight snack. We played poker with the 5 of us, Adam came and joined us as Kazz was away. Well it is the first time I ever played and I had to ask which game it was cause I knew the basics but not the names. I ended up being the big winner for the night and for once Sheila lost and had to add more money into the pot. We finally called it quits around 3 in the morning and went to bed. We got moving again in the morning and Len finished the last of the floor before heading home. I must say though that I think the gallon of wine I drank actually helped cause I felt pretty damn good the next day and was coughing the crude out of my lungs. Typically a good sign that it has broken.

We headed home and I finished up with my homework and made sure it was all ready to go on Monday. Headed to bed hoping for the best in the morning. Well that was short lived. I woke up, had a coffee then proceeded into an almost three hour violent coughing fit that would not quit. Len took me up to the clinic and after $100 worth of meds I was at home again. Thankfully the meds seemed to suppress the cough but damn I was hurting. My throat was raw, my ribs were aching to the point it felt like someone had beat te tar out of me with a sledgehammer, my head was pounding. I was in rough shape. When I thought I could talk, I called into school and talked to my teacher. Explaining that everything was ready but after this morning I didnt know if I could make it to class let alone do a oral presentation to the class, without breaking out into another coughing fit. She told me that there was no other time to make the presentation but I could email everything to her so that I did not receive 10 percent off for being late. However I would lose 30 marks for not doing the presentation portion of the project. Shit, phuk, damn, I dont need that. Well I did email everything to her, including some of the visuals, just not as nice as if they were there in person. Len then decided that he was going to head down to Vic to get supplies for the next day. He said to get it all together and we would drop it off so atleast maybe I would get the marks for my visual aids. So that is what I did, had my written work, all of the pamphlets and secret books I had made for the class, the doll I was using as a client and all of the thought bubbles for her feelings and the book that I used for the project. I put them all into a bag and off we went. I did well on the way down, not coughing, but I was very raw in the throat and sore in the chest, and wheezing some to boot. I should have said screw it and give me 15 minutes, Im going to push my way into going first then getting the hell out of there. Instead cause I felt so bad, I just dropped it all off at the front desk. Oh well what can ya do.

On Thursday, we went back to class and handed in the next project and got the first one returned. Yep I knew it, should have friggin tried and prayed for the best. So the highest possible score I could get without making the presentation was now 80 only because I submitted everything including my visual aids which were worth 10 marks. If I made the presentation there was an additional 10 marks for the organization and presentation portion and then 10 marks for a Q and A session afterwards. Well I didnt get those so tops was 80, I got 77 and Im still friggin worked up over it. Needless to say, if I had of made the presentation then I would have been in the 90's again!!!!! Dont quite agree with the logic behind all of this. If we are legitamately sick and can provide doctors notes then we should be given the opportunity to make the presentation the next day that we are there and in that case only lose 10 % for being late. Not lose 20 marks off the top and no chance of getting it back. If I had not got everything submitted on the Monday, I would have got 77 with an additional 10 % off my mark. However, if I were allowed to make my presentation the next day, I may have got around a 95 then had 10% taken off and had a better mark then I did receive. I just got to vent cause it really pissed me off, and on the course completion we have to fill out a survey on how we think things were done. Well I said my peace and griped about it, not that it will do any good but I think it is only fair to allow it. Hell she gave me 5 minutes of floor time the next day to explain what my visual aids were that I was passing out to the class, another 10 and I could have done the whole thing!!!!!! Oh well my blog and if I wanna bitch Im going to, maybe this will calm me down and I will be done with it, well atleast until Monday when I find out how much it dropped my mark in total! LOL

Well Friday rolls around and even though I am still feeling a little off, its time for the final exam. I continued to cram in the last few things into my brain until it was time to go to class. I really was not all that concerned. I still knew all the stuff that was on the mid term that I obviously had no problems with and the questions she put on the review I could answer without checking on them. But there was all the stuff we had covered in the last 2 weeks with my head in the clouds with this damn cold. Oh well, as she said the biggest portion was going to be the short answers 15 questions worth 43 marks. Holy crude! Oh well she said just look at the point value and make sure that you make enough points to cover that total. Well I went overboard again! I was the last one there cause I wrote so friggin much. I was using the backs of thee pages and had more then I needed but figured what the hell, somethings going to be right and the more I have the better chance I have of getting the answer right. There was only one section that really slowed me down a bit but that wasnt really covered, it was more a matter of our choice and what we might do in this situation. Hopefully the things I picked make sense for that type of problem. Guess I will find out on Monday.

Well the week is over and so is my first 4 week course. Hurray, I did it and better then I thought on the first day. Im actually understanding it all. Monday we start a new one for 2 weeks. I think it will be a busy 2 weeks as we have 2 exams and a project to do. The weekend is here and it is not looking all the best right now. I noticed on the way home last night that there was calcium already sprayed on the Malahat. Got to hate that shyte. So needless to say, before it starts raining, I would like to get out for a ride, even if it is short and get a little wind, then bring her home and wash her down good! I have quite the big chip on my front fender and need to get the touch up paint on it before I continue to ride thru the winter. Someone suggested that I should check with Dranes and find out if they would fix it as a large chunk of paint should not come off in the first year. Maybe they would, who knows. Oh well time to get my butt in gear and get something done, even though sitting around sounds great too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So much for being a follower! I just stumbled on this now. No email, nuthin'