Tuesday, March 9, 2010

yep slacking again but with reason

Ive had to journal for school but wil get to that later. Like I said when I ended the last entry, the course was kickin my ass. It was on ABA - Applied Behavioural Analysis and Autism. Yep come to the conclusion that I wont be working with the autistic. I dont like the teachings of ABA either. It is similiar to training your dog, but yet it is done with people. We have been having daily quizzes and unless I came to class half stoned on codiene or just about got run off the road by some asshole, I was not doing the best on them. Those 2 days I just didnt shive a git and just rolled with it, instead of actually thinking and reading and trying to make sense of the questions. The shitty part is that the damn quizzes make up for 30% of your overall mark. This had me frazzled as well as thee thoughts of the exam. Had no clue how I was going to keep my mark in the 90s at this rate. Well I got the project done annd focused on memorizing the info for the exam. Ended up getting 100 for my project, thank god cause I was going to need it. Friday rolls around and I am paniced. I had a beer around 10 am just to try and not give a damn with the exam. I had Kay getting ready as I was dropping her off in Langford and we were also meeting Jeremy and Marlena who were going to ride down with us. Gave up memorizing and got ready and Kay and I took the bagger and headed to Mill Bay to meet up with them. We went straight thru to Langford and stopped at Timmies there. Kay walked over to her dads from the mall and when we were done our coffee we headed to town. We were playing things by ear but would hopefully meet up when they were done at the passport office and I with my exam. Well parts of the exam werent so bad and the memory was working but god damn if I sat there beating myself senseless for a couple of the questions. I couldnt think of anything to put down and the teacher wont accept it if you leave it blank. Finally I just said phuk it and scribbled something in, shook my head and left. Worried about what would come on Monday. I went out to the bike and they were there waiting for me, so we headed up to the Ho and had a few while waiting for Len. He took the bike and did his banking then came back. Just after Jer and Marlena headed back to Nanaimo while we hung around a little longer to visit with Sue and Steve. I happened to look at the time and it was just about 430, so I thought I would call to see if the papers were marked and get the news so I would stop stressing over the weekend. I call and my teacher is not answering but the receptionist informs me I forgot to sign my time sheet. Oh shit, give me the gear I got to go back to school or I wont get my cheque. Back I go and sign the form and track down my teacher. Some how I pulled of a 92 and one of my annoying questions, I actually got right! Overall was a 90 for the course. My lowest mark so far and hopefully at all. Yep thats how bad the quizzes were, they took a 100 and a 92 and dropped me to a 90.

On Saturday we rode up to the Timberlands for lunch and hopefully I was going to talk to Carol somemore about the show. She wasnt in but we had a great lunch and quite a few friends were there as well. We heard about a bad accident on the hat but decided that we would loop thru Shawnigan and down to Dranes anyways. Al from Nanaimo came with us, he has the "Lucky" bike. It was a great ride back and forth today but the accident was weighing on our minds, wondering who it might be. Well we found out that night, it wasnt anyone that we did know but they were family to friends of ours. Another tragic loss. Sunday we rode out with the intentions of hitting the Hut in Qualicum. We were picking up riders along the way and we impromptly found a couple extras being Ruth and Crash. We had a nice lazy ride along the backside of Nanaimo and got to Lantzville to pick up Adam when we noticed that Crash's bike was steaming from the oil tank area. Well diagnosis says hes done for the day. The rotten smell we first got a wiff of at Eds was back and that was the regulator. We had to find him a ride home. Well the rest of the ride was over so we all had lunch in Lantzville while waiting for a truck to come and get Crash. When we were done we headed south again and took Jingle pot on the other side of Nan this time. Adam and Ed broke off at the south Cedar exit and the other 3 of us kept heading south. We had a new girl with us from Duncan and she was a little slow and not the best in corners but we took it easy for her. Nice for a change instead of always going hell bent for election like we tend to do. We said our goodbyes at the CVI while Len had another ceaser. Then the 2 of us headed home.

My next 2 week course was all on self care. There are no marks just complete or incomplete. We have one main assignment thru it still with no mark but this is what has stopped me from blogging,cause I was doing it daily for school. We had to write what she calls a stress diary. So thats where my blogging went to. Besides that we had to create an activity and my partner and I ran with the digital scavenger hunt and it turned out great. On that Monday morning there was an impromptu ride for Leannes Aunt from Vic to the accident site. I met the ride at the Malahat Petrocan and rode the rest of the way up with them before heading to school. I was happy to be there to support Leanne and didnt give a shit if I was going to be a bit late for school on this day. Somethings are more important. The whole two weeks were about self care and this just kinda fit in to me. My state of mind and a friends. Over the weekend the weather was questionable. Saturday was kinda shitty so I did homework and Len was doing chores. Sunday we rode to Vic for the swap meet and for me to network for the show. We left there and went to the 6 mile for brunch and to watch the hockey game. Yea, Canada won! From there we were going to ride around the inner harbour then Len changed his mind and decided to stop by Steves to see his garage. I guess I had inspired him with Lens HD bedroom and he decided to do something similiar to his garage. Well damn it is so clean you could eat off the floor. Cleanest garage I have ever seen. The second week we got 2 extra days off. The Wednesday and Friday, which was kinda cool cause it doesnt happen much. Weds. I spent part of getting my diary finished and homework assigments to turn in early on Thursday. Then in the glorious sunshine I headed south to do a few errands and then pick up Ang from work. We were taking her out for her birthday. Len met us at her house and then we went to the Waddling Dog for dinner and drinks. Some more networking ensued for the show n shine with the charity riders and Ron is still trying to sign us up to the group. The rest of the week was the usual, one more day of school, then Len made me help for a while on Friday and then I was off riding and doing errands and enjoying the day. On Saturday we were gone on the bikes for almost 12 hours. We left early and headed to Vic to go on the memorial ride for Martha. We rode to the accident site with the group then followed along the back roads til we got seperated at the petro can. We turned down Hutchinson then carried on along the backroads for the route that Ripper had told me. We werent sure if we were infront or behind them so we just kept going til we got to the end or the route and to our surprise we were ahead, even though we stopped a few times along the way. From there we broke up and 3 of us headed north to Ladysmith to meet up with 3 others. We decided to make the ride to the FBI for lunch as it was a gorgeous day. We had to take it easy as Sheila according to Ricks orders was not allowed to go over 90kms breaking in her bike. We were good Rick! We had a great lunch at the FBI, and managed to aquired a new sticker for Bears helmet! Just the present he needs to help him thru his recovery! The rest of the group headed out after lunch and went to get Rick a new battery, we stayed behind with Flo and the CR group so we could say Hi to Mir when she got to Qualicum. It was another eventful day. When we stopped at Cassidy on the way home, Flo had text me that she was broke down at the side of the road waiting on BCAA.
Sunday sucked weather wise so instead we dropped Kay off for sprig break with her dad and we went out for brunch then groceries. We were going to go and visit the Bear but time got away from us somehow and we didnt make it. Sorry bud!

Monday rolls around and back to school, new course and no exam, but we do get marks on the 3 projects we have to do. I was waivering back and forth all morning wether to ride or not. Len finally told me to SIU and fix the truck(just put gas in it - I have said it was broke for a monthe now) and drive my ass to school. Leave the bike at home as the weather really doesnt know what it is doing. Well just as I was heading to Bamberton a lady on a black sporty passed me going north and I though, see I could make it thru this and have actually already ridden thru worse at Crater Lake. Well wouldnt ya know not ten minutes into class and my phone starts going crazy. It seems that poor woman was hit at the petrocan by my house and of course all are worried sick wondering if it is me. Roadie called to check and I told him that we were fine and please post something so everyone knows. Well he did do this on the forums but not on FB, so my phone kept up all afternoon. It continued as soon as someone did post it on FB and got Flo wound up. Im fine, Im almost home in the truck please post on FB so that others stop worrying. Quitre a hectic day to say the least and my prayers go out to this wwoman that she pulls thru.

As I finish this up, Im still tryinng to decide bike or truck today. It is overcast with threats of liquid sunshine but hell I have been through the monsoons before.