Friday, December 11, 2009

2 Weeks in one

Well, I slacked off last week as it wasnt a really eventful week. Yep did bring K to school with me and everyone said the same thing, bout how pretty and good she is. Wish it would sink into her head, but then again when it does, it will prolly mean that boys are in her eyes! I can wait.

School was, well different, we had a sub teacher and she just flew thru each days lesson and we were done and able to escape no later then 3 every day. Was kinda a nice change, especially with riding. Got to get ahead of traffic and over the hat before it got dark and colder. I spent most of the week and weekend working on the major project we had to turn in yesterday. I was deffinately a big one and I was fighting with my word programs to get it done. Ended up having to type it out twice as the first program I used decided to move everything around and wouldnt let me fix it. Friggin PCs.

Saturday was suppose to be the party in Cedar but it got cancelled, so instead we went to the truck parade. Always nice to see the rigs all decked out in lights and trying to play jingle bells on their horns. Sunday we decided to pull the bikes out before I buried myself in more project work. Heck first time Therapy has been out in a while. But she was as good to go as ever. Thankfully the winds had blown most of the crap off the roads and they were realitively clean and dry. Well except for one spot on the hat, where we went to pass a car to the right and as I pulled around there was an ice patch infront of me! Holy shyte, with my tire this might not be good! Well, let off the throttle a bit and leaned hard to circle around it and made it by the ice and car no problem. Did a loop around Langford and didnt find any of the peeps we were looking for so headed on home. Len had to go help a friend for a few hours and I had my project to fight with. Later on we drove back down to pick up the girl, who was visiting with her dad and we stopped for a visit with some friends of Lens that we hadnt seen in a long time.

Well back to school on Monday and back to our regular teacher, was uneventful but Tuesday was another story. It turned into a day from hell and set the tone for my week. Started off with smacking my head twice, tripping over my feet and falling, spilling hot coffee all over my hand, then Im trying to go to school and for some dumb reason the truck decides to be dead, no power no where. This is at serious coffee in Mill Bay.(yep right after the hand burning incident) Now she started up fine, no problems in the driveway, but now there is nada, no lights, fan, radio,clcik for the ignition. Nope DEAD. Well what the phuk! (Bear pay attention here, might give ya some ideas if you have problems, mechanically speaking) I play with it for a few minutes and it seems I can get a bit when I wiggle the key, then it changes its mind and says nope. I pop the hood and check the battery connections, everything is tight like it should be. Ok now WTF. Call Len and gripe, then start calling looking for a ride or loner car for the day, call school and report that Im dead on the hat but am still trying to get there. I finally manage to track down Vince and he sends Sheryl off to help with jumper cables. Good thig I know what Im doing as neither of them are mechanical. Shit I remember Vince trying to blow things using them, and sparking his bike battery trying to jump it. While waiting, I get a guy to push the truck back to an open area so that Sheryl can get to me, instead of right infront of the store. I talk to my friend Steve who is a mechanic to get possible ideas and back to under the hood I go. Well I know it is a new strong battery and that isnt the problem, it has to be something else. Yep the connections could use some cleaning but it shouldnt be completely dead. Start playing with the wires and looky here, I get lights again, try starting, nothing but lost power again. Back to playing, well I think I have found the culprit. It is the battery wires where they hook into the clamp, they must be 20 years old like the truck and are startig to wear. Wiggle some more and power again. Sheryl is here now so I hook the cables up and she fires right up. I thank Sheryl and keep the cables with me and off I go like a bat outta hell to school. I get there just before 2 and havent missed any of the days lesson. At break time, I ask a few questions on the project and turn in my handouts to get copied, then I ask what about the homework sheet from last nite? She takes it and says well I have to mark it now, so you will lose 10%! Like hell, it isnt my fault that I couldnt get there. Well needless to say that just adds to my day and Im in a completely shitty mood and all can tell.

I wait til the next day to see if she really took the marks off and she did. At break I approached her with my opinion and she wouldnt waiver. I dont think it is fair to lose the marks, 1) I called in and told her what was going on, 2)I worked under my hood in the freezing cold just so I could get there, 3) I asked her about it, not the other way around, 4) I got the truck running and still drove 50+km to get to school, late or not, not another soul in my class would bother going 5) I dont have the option of a bus, cab, or walking as Im not in Vic and my course isnt offered in Duncan. Im not asking for special treatment, but jaysus, I went above and beyond what anyone else would have done to still get to school. If I was in Vic, I would have said screw it and found another way of getting there. I was beyond mad now and was ready to grab my stuff and leave then. The others told me to go to thee director and talk to her, so that is what I did. She listened to me and made a report, saying that she would discuss it with the teacher and get back to me. Like I said I dont want special treatment, but I had extrenuating circumstances here, and I dont think the teacher needs to be so hard nosed about time of the assignment. In her mind if it is due that day, it is due by 1:15, if you turn it in at 1:16 it is late. Not as long as it gets turned in on that day. I really think that is a bit much. Well all of this just set my mood for the week, I was grumpy miserable, and wouldnt answer in class. If she put me o the spot for an answer, I responded with a nope its not there, dont know, in other words, dont give a damn at the moment. Mat find out today what is going to happen.

Thursday rolls around for project day, and I have everything done, ready and packaged to go, hoping my partner has done the same. I decide to go in an hour early and make up the time I missed so that I dont have it missing onn my attendence, keep that 100% record. Teacher looks at me like I have 2 heads when I tell her Im clocking in now to make up the time missed, she says she doesnt think I can do that, and I says well I already had this conversation with the director when I was sick for the day and was told that I could make up the hours. She takes note but says she will have to discuss it with the director, yep you go ahead, and Im going to continue being a thorn in your side this week. So I sit around doing some work, waiting for my partner. Figures she has part of the stuff done but she hasnt got her handouts copied and the one creative part I asked her to do was pathetic. I was choked. I knew this was going to be phuked. Then in class the teacher goes over the expectations and everything I had organized for the presentation portion was wrong, guess Im going to have to wing things now. Oh well, presentation out of the way, just the final today. Hope the hell the marks stay up there as Im worried about the project and the exam cause this one is a whole lot different then before.

Well time to do some more studying and cross my fingers, but I think the tone of the week has set my mind in a bad place. Heres hoping that it hast messed with me too much.

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