Monday, August 31, 2009

Corn Roast Weekend

Well, it is officially the weekend of the corn roast, and it seems we may have quite the group attending. I called and ordered the corn for pickup on Thursday afternoon while Len was working in Victoria. He sent me a text later that afternoon to say holy shyte is this stuff made of gold, its friggin expensive! I had no clue what he was talking about as I was quoted $25 per bag and therefore would make it $50 for 8 dozen corn. He told me it cost him $185 to go and get it. Then he informed me that it was fifty for the corn with an added $135 from the local constabularies!!! He got himself a speeding ticket on the way to get it!!!! Yep that was some expensive corn.

Friday rolls around and off I head to work, I wont get home until approximately six and we may have the first wayward souls arriving sometime today. I went to leave and find a truck parked in the driveway. It seems Mike and Mark have arrived sometime in the night and are sleeping in the truck. Cant pass up this opportunity even with my wimpy stock pipes. So I fire her up and rev the bike to wake him up before I leave! See yall tonight, I gotta go to work. Wendy and Dez from Comox are on their way early for an appointment in Vic and instead of going home they were going to head here and set up camp. Dez didnt want to be left out so they drove the "magic bus" and trailered the bike down. Well little do I know as Im working my ass off but Len ended up not working and they got here early so the 3 of them socialized and had a great afternoon. Len sent me a text just as I arrived back to the shop that they were thinking of riding out to the Lake to meet me and since I had to wait for payroll anyways said sure why not. So I sat around and waited for them, having a well deserved beer with the crew and Mountain until they arrived. We hung around and BS'ed for awhile then it was time to head back. We were all getting hungry and some of us were a little tired. We stopped for gas in the Lake and then I was just planning on taking the slab home. Well mass confusion insued as Len decided he wanted to take the old road and try to beat me to the Skutz falls turn off. Not sure what happened with Dez but usually you follow the lead bike, instead he saw Len wave his arm that he was going the old route and followed him, not realizing that Len was going to go like a bat outta hell along it. I just happened to look back and see Dez making the right and figured here we go everyone taking their own route. So I proceeded to out do them all and was at the turnoff with a smoke lit before Len got there. He pulled up to the slab as I was sitting on the old road now, I hinked he looked and then turned around and was laughing til I asked him what he did with Dez. Opps, thought he followed you? Nope! Oh Shyte! We waited a few minutes and eventually along they came, not realizing that Wendy was cursing a blue streak on the back. We wandered along the old highway and down hospital hill in Duncan then turned off to take Kokisilah out. We stopped at the river for a pee break and that is when we found out that with Dez trying to keep up to Len he had hit a few of the real bad bumps on the lower part of the old road and now Wendys back was killing her. She gave him an earful and then we carried on a easy pace along Kokislah to the TCH. We pulled into the Payless because it seems Len had gone missing again and Wendy was worried something had happened or is there another road. Well ya there is but we dont usually use it cause it comes out on a frontage road that is chip sealed and somewhat bumpy. I went an got smokes then thought, ya he is in that mood he has taken it to see if he could go faster then us on the highway! Dumbass! Meanwhile Wendy is on the phone to him and he answers and informs her that he is ahead of us. So off we go to pick him up down the highway and head for home, he really has to stop doing this stuff and confusing the hell outta everyone. We got back to the house and lit a fire and decided to roast weenies over the flames for dinner. We sat around and chinwagged for hours until it was time to fall down.

Saturday morning arrived and we took some time to wake up with coffee, but then had to get ingear to finish setting up for the roast. We had 8 dozen corn to schuck, not to mention chairs to set up and a few more odds and ends to pick up at the store. Thankfully I had help in the form of Wendy, Dez, Mike and Mark. While Len was busying himself with other finishing jobs. Didnt think it would all get done but somehow we did manage to finish it all off before anyone arrived. Len had to make a quick run off to do a job quote but the rest of us kicked back and relaxed for a bit until the first of our guests arrived. I was still a little concerned that we would have enuf spots for those that wanted to stay but couldnt worry about it too much.

Slowly people started to arrive and the party began. What a great night for sure and a great group of friends from up and down the island as well as the 2 from the mainland. I cant remember the total count on the number that were here but Im sure it was close to 40. We slowly got around to getting the corn on to cook and Len making his oysters all while people were still arriving. Everything was a hit. The corn was well worth the exobitant price (lol) huge cobs of peaches and cream and even though I had said 2 per person, they were so big that a lot of people could only eat one! Oh well I will pass out any extras to those that want some to take home. Everyone cooked their own meat and pigged out and in the meanwhile lots of laughter and shyte chucking was going on. We had a fire going, but tried to keep it small just in case the fireban was still on. Slowly people tapered off and headed for home, those that were not planning on staying of course. At the last minute we had one more couple decide to stay so up went the tent and makeshift beds were made for them. In the end we had over 16 people spend the night! Im still not sure where we hid them all for the night but they were here and none were in either house. I think I fell down for the night somewhere around 1 AM but I heard the others made it til close to 3AM. Crazy buggars! Oh well thats what a party and campout are all about.

Sunday morning rolled around and most were late waking. We actually slept til 7:30 for a change got the coffee going and decided to hit the tub for a bit while others started to rise. Considering the number of folks that were here the grounds were in pretty good shape. Most people found the garbage bucket and the bucket for the empties! There was actually very little mess to deal with. The kitchen was clean as Kaylee took it upon herself to do up the dishes from the night before and just a few things laying around here and there that needed to be tidied. Thanks to all for keeping it clean and thoose that may have done a little extra during the night to make it so. Definately a big help. People slowly started crawling out of their make shift homes, Flo then Jeep, Wendy, Sheila, with a steady trickle of one eyed party goers iin search of the all neede java, which was waiting in the kitchen! Everyone did a little to help clean up the last of the mess and slowly as they awoke they dismantled their camps to head homeward. Flo and Eric were the first to head north with intentions of meeting up with riders from CR. Everyone finally got organized and said their goodbyes and thanks for a great night. Wendy and Dez were in no rush to head home and instead we had planned on taking them on a scenic backroads tour of the south island. Len decided that East Sooke was in order with lunch at Mulligans on Otter Bay road. We gave extra time for Sue and Steve to get home and drop the kids and get the bike as they wanted to join us in Vic. As we were waiting for their call to say they were ready, Mountain called and decided to join us for the ride.

We finally got organized and headed south, picking up the others in Langford and heading out Vets Memorial to Latoria, across to Metchosin, Happy Valley, Rocky Point, East Sooke, Gillespie and the Sooke road to our Lunch stop. Wendy and Dez sure loved that section of the road. We had a great lunch with a whole lotta shit chuckin around the table. Somehow we got on the idea of taking the Renfrew/Cowichan loop back up island instead of returning the way we had come. Steve didnt want to join us as it would be to late for him getting home. We all tried to convince him into it but to no avail. We said our goodbyes and parted ways. We headed out along Otter Bay Road to connect to the West Coast road out. If you havent taken Otter Point before it has magnificint views as you are about to join up with West Coast road. Well worth the trip. So the 4 bikes headed along toward Renfrew. I wish they would get their signs fixed out there. Just as we left I remembered that Dez and I had not filled up since Friday night and we werent concerned before because we didnt realize that we would be taking this route. My bike was telling me I had approximately 130km left in the tank, Dez would have slightly more then me as his bike hadnt moved since Friday, mine went on a joy ride Saturday morning with Mike around Shawnigan Lake. I tried to signal Len to no avail to find out what the mileage was back to the Lake. Finally I got Mountain to ride up beside me and ask him, he said dont worry its only bout 100 kms. Great I could be coasting in on fumes! As we pull onto the West Coast road there is a sign that says check your fuel next stop 60 km then just beyond it says Renfrew is 56km, so what is there a gas station in Renfrew? I dont every recall one being there. Oh well guess we carry on and see what happens. We made it to Jordan River and stopped for them to take some pics and admire the view then carried on out to Renfrew. This has got to be the worse section of the road, besides being twisty and windy you got some good size frost heaves as well as potholes and ruts to dodge. Definately keeps you aware. I held back to keep pace with Dez while the boys bombed along ahead of us. They were loving this trip. There is a section where they are doing some construction, or maybe that is destruction at the Sombrio bridge. Last time Len and I went thru here it wasnt to bad but now they had the gravel on a steep downhill section with a 90 degree turn at the bottom. Well Mountain came upon it a little fast and thought for sure he was going to go sideways but managed to keep it together. There was a truck and boat coming the other way and we werent sure he was going to stop but he did thankfully. We all crept down this hill slowly and easily but then were off again. We stopped breifly in Renfrew and told Dez and Wendy about some good picture opportunities along the way. Im still slightly concerned about gas levels. Off we went in search of Lake Cowichan. Over the Renfrew bridge slowly for some pics and back on track. We sailed along with no traffic and finally came to stop at Harris Canyon to take more pics. What a great view! Im really starting to get concerned now as my reserve light has come on. The way my clock/odo/trip/gas reserve display works is that when you hit the reserve the gas light comes on and then the display shows an R with the number of Kms you have left to travel. Usually if you go to long and you get to around 15 to 18 km left it changes to "Lo" telling you "hey idiot, ya better stop now or your going to be screwed" Well this here idiot had nowhere to stop only a hope and a prayer to make it. Mind you Len said not to worry cause he had a siphon hose if it did run out. Smart ass troublemaker Dez says he has a better one with the pump on it, oh but it is in the trailer at the house! Ya thanks Dez, alot of help that will be! I had also heard that its not a good thing to run out with fuel injection, which mine is. Not the same as the carburated engines. And I have no clue what we might have to do if it does, and not sure if the others do either as they are all carburated. So we are now counting backwards and praying that I will make the Lake before going dry. I know we are getting closer and just before the switchback uphill climb I switch to the dreaded "hey idiot" signal! Now I have no clue how many km I have left in the tank and the last signage I saw said Mechaie Lake was 27kms and my tank said it had 29kms left. I also didnt know how far the Lake was from Mechaie but was sure it was more then 2 km. This is getting tight! We crested the hill and the others pulled off to take a few pics of the valley, I kept going as I didnt want to sit and idle or turn the bike off and started again. I figured the best chance was to try and keep a steady speed and pray. Eventually I saw Mountain catching up to me but not the others and then I lost sight of him again. I carried on in dread until I came to a stop Len and I had made before at Lens Main (also where we scooped the sign he now has in the front yard) Well when the "Lo" lite came on I saw the last reading being 15km and Im sure I had traveled a good 10 since then, and was pretty sure that I wasnt going to make Lake Cow. They all stopped and we briefly thought about trying to siphon some into my tank, whereas Mountain says never mind just ride and see how far ya can go, closer we are to the lake, closer it is for someone to turn back with gas. He also told me that if it did start to sputter and cough, pull in the clutch and hit the kill switch and roll to a stop. Atleast this way the engine isnt trying to cycle dry. Okay will do, with this in my brain off we go. Well it seems for some reason after turning it off and restarting it the numbers are back up to 24km and the Lo light is gone. Im still on edge wondering if Im going to make it but follow along to push the limits. Well somehow the praying worked and I made it to the gas station in the lake. Damn I need a beer! And boy was the tank dry, she ate over $20 in gas! Never done that before even at high prices. We decided on one last stop at the Oak in Duncan before getting our company loaded up and headed north. Before we left the station I told Dez to follow me and then yelled at Len that we were taking the slab, no more misguided adventures like Friday night! Mountain headed off in search of a fishing licence and said he would meet us there. We had a couple drinks and some appies, said goodbyes to Mountain and headed homeward, with Len making a quickstop for cream for the morning. It seems we ran out this morning, no idea why will all the overnight guests! LOL We got home just after 9 and Dez set to work hooking up the trailer and loading the bike so they could head north. They were definately going to have a late night but they both had an awesome time and wouldnt have changed a thing. The ride, the party, the company, food everything was great for them and they couldnt wait to do it again.

Sadly we said our goodbyes and we will see them in a couple weeks on their turf this time! It was 9:30 when we finally sat down to relax, it didnt take me long to give up on looking at the puter and decide to crawl into bed and read. Not sure when Len came to bed but he woke me up laughing at me as I had my book in my hand, open as if I was reading it but my eyes were closed and I was asleep. Yep I must have had to much fun over the weekend!

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