Monday, August 17, 2009

Pig n Fin weekend

Well off we head for the Pig n Fin, this time decided to bring Kaylee along with us as Suzie was bringing her adopted daughter and she would have someone to hang out with if the adults went missing. I had loaded all the gear IN Mountains RV on Thursday and rushed home from work to shower change and pack my clothes. I grabbed the 2 girls from my house and then headed over to Lens to get things ready and wait for Suzie and Steve to arrive from Vic. The plan was to meet Mountain at Hwy 1 and 18 and put the girls in the RV with him then go like hell to get there. He had said that he needed to be up there by 7 for the spot he had reserved. Well I thought we were running late but it was actually him, so we met him just before 7 at the Esso and piled the girls into the RV and off we went. Surprisingly with the heavy traffic we were actually making good time. Booked our way along and stopped in Nanoose for the boys to gas up, and Mountain goes flying by! Damn he is making good time as well with RV and trailer! Load up for the 10 minute trip to the grounds and in we are.

Steve and Len quickly dump gear out of their bags and head to the beer store with the girls. Suzie and I set to setting up our homes for the weekend. Suzie has no clue about how a tent goes up but as soon as I have mine up I come over and help her out before doing the girls tent. They come back and Steve is amazed asking Sue how the hell she did that so quick cause he couldnt see me. Then he realized that I was there doing most of it for them. We all quickly got the tents and beds made then sat down to have a few drinks before wandering around. We filled our cups and headed over to say Hi to Art and Colleen. Good seeing them as usual. Took a quick look around at the vendors then back to fill our cups and head in to see what the bands were like. We caught the end of the second, not bad, the third was horrible and we spent a little more time wandering around and at the camp instead of listening to them. But headed back for the last band which were quite good with good dancing songs.

Their was quite a police presense in the beer gardens and around the grounds. Kinda reminisent of the stomp. Was even told by the girls that they were giving them the evil eye when they were sitting on the swings minding their own business (kinda nebermind what was in the thermos they had with them) After the bands were done we headed back to the site and proceeded to have a few more drinks. The girls were there and behaving to the best they could. Well Kay knows my rules and she was abiding by them but boy is she funny when she has a few drinks. Hopefully she wasnt going to feel the effects to bad the next day! Getting close to 2 am and time for everyone to fall down. Lots of goofy pics taken before hand and more to come for the morning.

Saturday comes around all too early of course and we start the day with coffee and baileys, sit around and shoot the shit bout the day before. Finally the girls get up and are looking a little ruff around the edges. Kay is adamandant that she doesnt have a hangover but not to sure at this point. She has a little breakfast then tries to go back to sleep for awhile. We kick about for awhile then make a run to Qualicum for more beer and get bac for the start of the games. Our friend Irene from Comox shows up to party with us as well. Damn good to see her again cause she is quite a hoot.

Kay has showered and she is ready to go and wants in all the games! Good for her, so we head over and get registered and wait to see what events they have for partners. Ended up going in quite a few with Kaylee. She did the handlebar race, balloon toss, down tube, potato hunt and finally the weenie bite. Her most memorable was the potato hunt. We were the second team knocked out but damn she did great. She was one of the last 2 trying to find the damn tata, and it was well over 5 minutes when they decided to toss another one in, K dove on it had it until the other bigger girl tackled her, threw her down then had her in a choke hold. The whole time, K aint letting go of the Tata for hell or high water. She gives the other girl a couple shots trying to shake her loose off her, then the girl manages to wrestle the tata away from K but she aint done yet. She reaches out and grabs the girls pants and just about had them pulled off her! K stood up and the girl ran like hell. She was beaten but boy was she mad now! She wanted to beat the tar out the girl for taking her tata! Len and I both gave her a big hug and told her she did awesome, she got back on the bike and off we went to park while she tried to calm down. Well the girl she was fighting with was the next out, so that made her feel better.

The games were over for the day and we headed back to have some dinner and beers before heading over to the dance. We were hoping that the shitty band was going to be on first and save the good one for last. Nope other way around. So we liten and dance to the good band and give the other one a chance but nope they still sucked. So we went back to the campsite to have our own fun and try and drown out the noise from the band. Thankfully the police were not as much as a bother. Len and his camera were busy taking pics again and now he had to try using me as a tripod and when that didnt work he decided to lay down in the middle of the road to get the desired affect. Good think the cops werent around. The music stops and they announce the winner of the bands and of course how do you win when you suck? You play so badly that people leave and then it is just the drunks there with no taste who vote for the worst band going. What a shame that they won in my opinion. We finally head to bed for the night.

Sunday comes with the same morning ritual of coffee and baileys, K is doing good as she really didnt drink oon Saturday night even though we snuck her into the dance with us. Len decides he wants to go for a ride before the show and shine and the last of the games. He tries to start his bike to no avail and ends up taking Mountains for a burn. Thought he was going for a little ride and to pick up some smokes well the ride turned into a trip to Port and back. He gets back and we try to bump start his but for some reason he cant get it to go into second gear and it is just locking up in first. We end up boosting it and off he goes for another ride to charge the battery, this time to Horne lake. As he gets back, I have already wiped off some of the dirt on my bike and entered it in the show. I came back gave Mountains a quick wipe down and while he was sleeping I went and entered it for him. Len finally got his cleaned up and brought his in. There was quite a bit of compitition this year in the show. I had 7 others to go against and the deckers were the biggest this year with over a dozen!!! I was hopeful but in the past the judges have made some wierd choices but I didnt care, most of my compition were stock as wel. Only one that had a custom paint job on it. Len didnt think that he had much of a chance with so many bikes but really there were only 2 that had any customization, himself and one other. We waited around while they did the judging and they started the weenie bite at the same time. Len saw that the judges had finished with the deckers so he grabbed Kaylee and off they went to play in the last game of the weekend. She tried but she was a little to short to reach the weenie. We sat around after that and waited for the winners. Well surprise to both of us we both got second place and they were nice plaques as well.

We grabbed the bikes and took the 3 of them back to the campsite to tear down and head home. End to a great weekend. We decided to do a little bar hoping on our way with a stop at the front, and then the Cassidy. We also detoured in Lake Cow to help the big guy unload his bike before heading to drop off K and then down to Vic to drop off Amber. Finally by almost 10 we were home for the night with pizza on its way, a quick shower and we were done.

Lots of fun this year, many old friends we got to see again and some new ones. It was great having my girl along and her having so much fun participating in all the events. Next year she wants her own bike and to ride up there with us! Lord it is that time already!!!! Maybe she will be along again at the Port Alberni Toy Run and go in some more games there, hopefully doing alittle better and winning a prize. Guess we have to wait and see what unfolds on the next adventure!

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