Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday the 18th - My Birthday

Well as we knew, we were awake at dawn with the band still playing, thankfully it stopped shortly after and it was time to have coffee and Baileys for breakfast! Definate great way to start any day camping but especially today. Well of course I decided it was already time to be loud, to annoy our partying friends next to us and well just because! We sat around just taking it easy and enjoy the brief bit of cooler temps knowing within an hour the sun was coming over the hill and we were going to get blasted with heat again. Art and Colleen came over to join us again and some how we ended up having a rather unusual and a bit disturbing morning conversation. Some how we got on to the state of the outhouse and the bag of lime sitting out front. Art is now giving us all directions on how to get rid of a body in the outhouse but it must be done before the rigor sets in or we arent going to get the body in!!! Not sure where this all came from but was an interesting way to9 start the morning for sure. Kinda made me wonder what he was up to after his deranged hair day on Friday and now this! Artie, lubs ya bud but ya were startin to worry me!

Well being my bday and all, I was in no rush to do much of anything. So why not start with a beer now that the coffee is done. I was happy when my phone went off and that me girl remembered to call me.(she is a good kid after all) We chated for a bit and she filled me in on hert trip down south so far and all that she had seen. She also had a quick talk with Suzie and Bee before saying goodbyes. I also got messages from my mom and grandmothers. Of course Happy Bdays were announced all morning. We did want to go for a short ride and find a swimming hole to cool down some but we also wanted to be back in time to see the games and stunt crew. Len wanted to go go go but I was lollygagging. While sitting around Mountain and Erika wandered over and dragged me out of my chair to go decide on a bday present. Heck a tshirt would have been great but they had picked out 2 different leather halter tops and wanted me to decide. Guess this just HTBD cause of all the conversation bout the boots and then also the bootie shorts that Len got for me. So why not finish off the outfit. I picked the tamer of the 2, which was black halter style with cream flames along the bottom. Not as flashy and also the cream would match my bike. Big hugs and thanks guys and back to the camp to get the boys wound up some more. Poor Bry, wasnt sure if he could get his imagination to stop. He wanted me to put the ensemble on but in this heat there was no way I was going to be getting into it all. Hard enuf to get into jeans at this point. Well I was now up and moving around I did get ready to ride, as Len was getting hot and impatient with me and off we went in search of a lake.

We were about to head out and got stuck waiting for the poker run to pull out. Finally off we went towards Salmon arm. Well not positive on how to find a public access to the lake we followed along the waterfront and eventually came to a great beach. Not as good or private as the day before but nice anyways. We hit the lake and cooled off then prompty went and laid in the sun. Yep we dozed off for a bit and as the sun shifted in the sky so did our little patch of shade. I got a bit of a burn on my legs and Len got some on his back. Knew he was going to be itching in a day or so. My legs actually werent to bad, surprisingly enuf. It was nice having the little nap in the considerable quiet compared to the grounds and would have liked to stay longer but we did want to get back for the festivities and so that I could start drinking a bit heavier after the bike is parked. We stopped at a pub and had a quick bite and a cold beer, restocked our supplies to head back and of course got waylaid by the poker run again. Oh well finish our drinks and let them leave then we will head back. Of course it is a little later then anticipated but so be it, we are on no schedule.

Heading back and almost at the grounds we get momentarily stopped by the police again but this time they just wave us thru. Seems they have their hands full with a bike and truck full of the"boyz" We arrive at the grounds and as I had told Len it is going to be packed, worse then Friday nite and weaving our way over to our camp was going to be a challenge. Thankfully, I was kinda looking a a possible spot to weasle my way thru when a guy stopped and talked to me bout my bike and how he loved the colour. Thankfully he said park here but I said I wanted thru to the other side so he was helpful enuf to move the garbage can and emptie cage for me so I could squeeze my way thru to the other side. It was definately close trying to get thru the bikes on either side of me but once that done it was just a tight couple turns thru the vendors and over to our spot which the gang had manged to block with garbage cans again so that we could back our bikes in, out of the way of the games.

Well now parked it was time to get in to the shorts and tanks and kick back for the games and start imbibing!!!! Who me, neber! LMAO Our camp spot gave us all perfect view of the games and besides a bit of musical chairs all got situated and enjoyed the next couple hours. I proceeded to start with beer but then again I had some Sex on the Beach as well. No we werent playing around at the lake, they were shooters that we picked up in SA to celebrate a little more and damn were they good. Wish I could remember what the heck is in them cause I would make them at home. Well I got into the shooters, Bee had to take a little tongue in cheek video of my sex on the beach but for some reason she had issues getting it started and we had to redo it 3 times before we got it. Watching the games was fun as usual and Suzie tried her damndest to get us signed up for the potato hunt but to no avail. We kept teasing Mir that she should be out there showing her stuff and putting some of the guys to shame! She just watching, grinning and determined to stay sober next year so that she could try them out but in the same time paying close attention to what all they had to do. I can definately see her in there next year. Im trying to talk on the phone and brush the knots out of my hair, well I gave up when the brush got stuck and proceeded to just chat away with the brush hanging from the side of my head. Deb was right in the middle of the fire as she was heading home and was giving me first hand description of what she was seeing. Pretty scary to say the least.

After the games they had the burnout pit. Well Len and his new camera he had to get right into the thick of it and take a video. Mind you alot of the vid was just smoke, but you could catch glimpses of the tire and brake lite and such as well as hear the pop when the tire finally blew. Now remember this that Len was right in the thick of things cause it makes the morning pretty friggin funny!

Well games over it was time to enjoy the music, company and beer. Of course at this point the guys are all waiting for the wet t shirt contest and well the girls wanted the hot buns! Well I tried my hardest to stay awake for it but just before it was to get started I decided I had sufficiently finished all my beer plus some and it was time to lay down instead of finding more! Damn, I guess thats the old saying with age comes wisdom and to not put myself in rough shape for the morning, packing up and heading out to parts unknown. Well glad that I did drink enuf to put me into a bit of a sleep cause the music was almost unbearable! We had it in stereo the band to one side and da boyz on the other with their stereo system jacked to deafining proportions. And off I sleep kinda til the next day.

Thanks for sharing my day and helping me have a great birthday!

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