Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years to Everyone!

Started off the week with a ride to meet friends. It was one of the few times that I have had Therapy out lately. Having tooo much fun on my other (Lens) bike but we went together. It was a tad cool and the roads were still wet with lots of frost still in the shade but I figured it woulld be fine if I took it easy. Yes I can take it easy! We headed out to the south Shawnigan road and turned around to meet Bear and Jeep at the summit. There was also a possibility of meeting up with Ripper and Leanne but his football game didnt end in time. After a short chinwag and smoke, the four of us headed off towards Duncan to meet Ed. Like I said bit cool, but otherwise great ride. It still kinda seems strange looking back and seeing the trike at the back. You have the bikes in formation and the trike in the middle so all the headlights kinda blend together and it makes it look like there is some big ass vehicle running up the ass end of the group. I keep taking a double look when I see it. We had a great lunch, starting with the 5 of us and eventually Rob, Leanne and another friend of theirs arrived. We all finished up and made tracks to head home. Rob et all headed out first, the rest of us said our goodbyes and Ed headed north while the rest of us headed south. We of course turned off at our road and the other 2 carried on over the hat.

The rest of the half week was relatively uneventful, home working on school stuff or just lazing around. Thursday came and it was the big day, New Years Eve. As usual I had a battle with my hair and of course the weather wasnt going to help it any. But the surprise was that I was able to find somethig in my closet to wear that wasnt black, leather, or denim! What a friggin miracle! We packed up what we needed and headed off to Nanaimo. The wedding ceremony was beautiful and Jill looked absolutely stunnin. Hell I think we all did, cause ya know it is not often that ya get to see this leather clad bunch all dressed up. Suzie was blinged out to the nines (no surprise there) and she made Ed wear a suit and tie. Sheila of course was classy as always and Rick did his best with a dress shirt. We know Kazza and Adam can turn it on when they want and she definately did with her slinky black sparkly dress and Adam in classic black and white. Len as with Rick went with a dress shirt (or as he calls it his drunk shirt - oh and it was) but he wore tan jeans instead of the regular black or blue and myself, I wore a pale green skirt and matching shimmery blouse (well atleast until the wardrobe malfunction) Im not sure what the big deal was, cause I know I have worn skirts before but Adam was amazed and kept wanting the camera to get a pic of me in a skirt. Kazz had already taken a pic but Adam was insisting on it and I really didnt know what the big deal was. We all had a great evening, lots of dancing and laughs. It was finally time to head back to the room as Lens drunk shirt had got the best of him. Suzie was ready to drive but as I told her, he wouldnt leave with a full drink, so everytime his head went down, the 2 of us poured off a little of his drink, until there was just enuf left for him to be satisfied that he had finished and he was none the wiser.

The next morning was a wet ugly day, so we knew there would be no ride for January first. We just headed home and had a relaxing afternoon and evening around the house. I had projects to finish and Len was going to be working the weekend. On Saturday, he went to work and eventually the rain stopped and roads dried so I geared up and headed to Vic on the bike to pick up Kay. It was a great day for a ride that is for sure. We made a stop at Dranes and had a look around. Kay kept looking for purple bikes. She wants a purple one to ride. I informed she wasnt going to be getting one of these of the showroom floor but a disposable like I started with and I would spray bomb it purple for her! I picked up a part for Ed and found a sweater for myself. I really hate buying in there as everything is sooooo overpriced including their sales rack. That isnt a sale price that is a discount. Heck I have been in Van and got stuff off their sales racks for $10 or 15. There are times I really wish Dranes had some competition so he was a little more equally priced. Kay and I continued home and made a stopp at Serious cause she has been bugging me for a latte for some reason. We ran into Steve and Teresa there and had a little visit before we all turned off for home before dark. I am glad that Kay has got back on the bikes (although it did take some time after Bull) and done a fair bit of riding with us this summer. Mind you it is a mixed blessing with her turnning 16 she can go for both licences now and she keeps saying she wants her class 6. Guess we will wait and see after Tuesday what she decides to do.

Sunday, I finsihed up my project and then headed off to Duncan to meet Ed with his part, then we went on a back roads trip to Shawnigan to have a visit with a girlfriend of mine. Was a nice little ride without hitting the highway until we headed home. Dinner and the last of the projects were in order and then just relaxing.

I am being constantly reminded that ``psst, its my birthday`` ya ya I friggin know, how could I possibly forget! I talked with my friend out Cowichan way ad we have organized for Saturday a limo lunch ride for her and her friends. He is also bringing his daughter along to celebrate with Kay as his daughters birthday is today and she is 15. The girls havent seen each other in quite a whille but Im sure they will have fun. Saturday night she is supposedly having some friends over after the limo ride and possibly a sleep over so we figure that her aunties and uncles should terrorize her as well and have our own little get together. The weather is suppose to hold so we will prolly light up the stump again and see if we cant do it in this time.

Im still in shock, with where the time has gone. Its hard to believe that she is turning 16! Shit was 94 that long ago, it doesnt seem like it. Im not overly looking forward to this new driving experience either. That was suppose to be Bulls job damn it. Loves ya bud but your prolly sitting up there laughing at my up coming doom! If it still happens, Bulls brother Pete said that he would teach her, better his nerves then mine. And of course she doesnt want to learn on an automatic, she wants my truck with the stick shift. Which in one way is a good thing being able to drive standard but the whip lash! I may have to torture her some the way my step dad did to me. I remember each time he took me out driving, he always brought along a cup of coffee that he sat on the dash. "Now dont spill it!" Now there was some incentive as ya sure didnt want to wear a hot cup of coffee in your lap. Mind you I was taught on an automatic so it was a little easier then a standard. Oh well guess I will have to face this sooner then later.

Back to school today, for the girlchild and myself. Thank goodness the holidays are over cause I dont think I could stand more time at home. I have been going a little squirrely to say the least. On the positive I have 7 months of courses left before I start my practicum and hopefully all of my marks will remain where they are sitting presently. This course has been fun, and both projects were of the creative nature. The one due today, I think I created much more work for myself in what I did but Im sure it is an easy 10 marks for the creativity portion. The second one, I had to put a bit more thought into but of course the rest was just building it, so more creative work. I have them both ready to go, so the rest of the week is going to be just working on the final review for the exam on Friday.

Oh well like I said at the start Happy New Years to yall and all the best for the upcoming year!


Unknown said...

I am always in awe of your ability to remember in such detail! Its been a great holiday and good riding with you and the others as well as a good party! Thanks again for picking up the part for me. Time to do some blinging! :-)

Canuck Chicks Conga Mini-History said...

Great posts, Draggie -- I allays enjoys 'em!
