Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Healing continues

Well the main focus has been getting back in the groove of things at school. Im doing my damnest but those last 2 exam marks really have me feeling down and worried that I hit my head too hard. All my marks have been pretty much 95 and above then I get back to back mid 80's. Its a real killer on the confidence, especially when I wrote them thinking I was having no problem. Well do what I can and study as much as able without making the brain hurt and go from there.

I got my project done and turned in and as usual went way overboard on it. But hey, can always use it in the future. Never know when I might need to resource something and low and behold I already have it. Thankfully 100% on that project. I was going to need it to help bring up my mark from my mid term and lord forbid whatever I end up with on my final. Study my brain off and pray for the best. Well, yet again, I wrote it and felt real good about it, just like the last 2 but of course I have that worrisome feeling hanging over me from the last 2. As I leave I ask the teacher to please email me when she is done marking the exams. Simply so I am not fretting over it all weekend. If its lower, I know the brain is still shorting out on me, if it is a regular mark then I can relax and know that things are starting to work right again. When I got the email later that day I was relived, I pulled a 95 again. Hey maybe Im back! And that is exactly what the teacher put on my paper when I got it on Monday.

My classmate and I head out after the exam back to her place which is by Dranes. On route I sent Len a text to say I was on my way home. I knew he was having an early day as well so he might be waiting for me to get home. Get to the car and start to head out and still no answer from him. Oh well maybe he is still working so off I go to head up the hill. As I pass Ice Cream Mountain and head into the park I get a response. He is telling me to hang tight as he is in Langford. Great Im already on the highway, nowhere to pull over or turn around. I head as far as the park and turn in so I can call and see what he is up to. I ring once, he doesnt answer. Wait a few and try again, this time he does. He tells me he is at the park and ride and that he was there to meet me. Men, they really dont listen much do they! I only parked there the first day I went back for my classmates evening convience and since then I have parked at her house and have told him that and where it was. Oh well, he says he has all my gear with him. I double check and state good thing I finally decided to wear jeans to school today otherwise, I would still be in trackpants. He did have everything for me except a pair of socks, as I have been wearing sandals all the time except when he has taken me out for a ride. Well guess we can go for a ride just have to pick up some socks somewhere. We decide to meet back at Dranes so we can have a look at the crash bar that Aron found in the attic that might fit the bike. It was questionable as it said for a deluxe but all the other have a note saying it wont fit anything else, this one didnt. Aron offered to bring it by the house around 6 and we could size it up and see if it was going to work. Lucky for us when we tried it, it did work, so we got new bars for half price and they were the same nostalgic ones that I had before. We grabbed a pair of overprice HD socks there and went out to the car to gear up.

We took a little ride thru the backroads of Metchosin and then stopped at a little beach that he knew of. We were hoping that we might be able to see the navy ships but we were to far around the point. We sat down at the beach for awhile and enjoyed the view. He had told me that he was planning to do something special that afternoon and surprise me, but I messed it up by not parking where he thought I was and by being to far ahead of him. He wasnt going to tell me what it was as he will do it another time. Then of course that brought the conversation around to our anniversary which he believed was Sunday. OMG all of a sudden Im in a small panic. I have drilled him for a year on our anniversary and my birthday and he is always getting them wrong. I knew that the anniversary was actually going to fall during the week, but he kept thinking it would go to the weekend. I knew I had forgotten it myself. Why simply because I might have the day of the week in my head but I havent quite got the dates figured out yet thanks to my brain meltdown. I pull out my phone and check the date and of course come back with a Happy belated as it was yesterday!!!! Opps, hey I have an excuse! We laughed about it and he just said he was thankful that Im still here for another year of course. In light of the events preceding it, I guess we were allowed to screw up. We left the beach and carried on and did a little tour along the lagoon to look at the ships before heading back to Dranes to get my car and come home. we headed home to a relatively uneventful evening.

On Saturday, I was pretty sore in the ribs, as I had lifted a water jug on the cooler before leaving for school on Friday. We got our act together and took my bike up to RE so that they could do a frame test, to be on the safe side, and reweld the crash bar mount. he wasnt going to get to it until Tuesday but it didnt matter as I wasnt going anywhere as of yet. We dropped it off then meandered our way back homewards. Stopped by Arrow and had a look at some boots, then gradually made it home. We decided just to take a short ride locally as I was pretty sore and didnt want to do a whole lot. Sunday came around and I told him just to head out and go for a ride and enjoy himself. I was going to lay around and relax and not do anything to strenuous. I guess he made it up to Qualicum and ran into a bunch of our friends. He rode with them back in our general direction with a few stops along the way. he stopped by Ed and Sues and had a beer with them and picked up the mirror I needed thanks to them both. After the mirror not much left but for a new windshield and the bike would be back to normal.

The rest of the week was uneventful back at school. We started an new course and basically I have this 3 weeker, a week one on resumes and shyte and then my last month long course before I go out on practicum! Holy crap Im almost there and even with those couple of lower marks Im still at the top of my class!!! We have nightly review questions and homework questions which is a real pain in the arse. I would rather have a project to do then doing these for three weeks. Our mid term is in the middle of the week instead of on a Friday but oh well nothing I can do.

The weekend rolls around again and I sit at home for the morning, while Len ran into Vic for smokes. He stopped by Dranes not realizing that it was the show n shine today, then comes home and tells me and of course I just say ya I know. Well with his extra stop, it gave me enuf time to finish all my homework and my exam review so now I had no school work left. I got ready and we went back down to Dranes so I could have a look and be social as well as meet up with Sue and Steve. We headed out, stopped at Arrow as they has supposedly ordered some boots in for me to try, instead Len bought me a windshield! Ya HAHAHA, it was actually a pair of goggles and him stating, your gonna need them! We have decided not to buy another and instead just buy the fairing that I was going to get in the winter. We left there and rode up to Ladysmith to Mile Zero, they were having a biker babe bike wash, so Len figured what the hell better then him doing it. We finished there and went over to the Timberlands to have a bite to eat and say bye to Steve and Sue who were heading to Parksville for the night. We took a little big detour and went to Ed and Sue for a visit as they hadnt seen me since the accident either. Little big detour meaning we were right there so of course Len had to take Yellowpoint and go for his coaster ride!!! Bugger. Take it easy my ass or should I say rib! Yep zip zip zip, over the humps, I start to get a little lightheaded then the bump at the bottom that just pounded my rib! Asshole! We get most of the way around head spinning and he starts dancing in the lane, thats when he got the knees! Enuf already! Sat and had a nice visit with the Howes besides Suzie giving me shit then headed for home. He wanted me to come along the next day but I knew I would have to rest up tonight to be able to do it.

Sunday morning, get up achy, head for the tub, and get my arse in gear, knew this wasnt going to be the best of trips considering who Len had decided to ride with. At one point up past Parksville I think I saw 160, and just held on and shut my damn eyes! The car show was kewl but to much walking for me. I had to get off my feet as it was so overwhelming. We decided to head to Dee's for some lunch then head homewards. Talked with Dee and she is taking over the Pig n Fin this year, she also gave a gift certificate for our show. I gave her some info to get the word out as there has been much confusion surrounding it. From lunch we just headed south, stop for gas, then we pulled into a very dead Cassidy before heading the rest of the way home. I had been bugging and being a pain about riding, so of course Len says, well I got ya a windshield, you want to go out. We came in for a few and then off we decided to go, just local to test and see how I felt and how the head did. Surprisingly the head is actually better on the bike then in the car. We went down Hutchinson and across the backroad to stop at the Grocer, then took Telegraph back across so I could get a few more twistie roads, wasnt feeling to bad so I went past Hutchinson and down to the Petro Can then hit the highway to see how bad 100 to 120 was going to be on me! Okay You are spoiled with a shield or fairing that is for sure.

Monday night, I thought well maybe let the rush hour die down some then go for the hat. Came home gave it an hour then got ready to go and chase some demons off the hill. I took a happy pill just in case and off we went. Going down wasnt to bad, had some salivating happening but that was it really for nerves, anxiety or panic setting in. We got down and Len noticed that my tail light wasnt working so try CT for a bulb but it was still doing the same damn thing. Great new friggin problem. Head home and fight with this now. Coming back up I felt okay and as we neared the start of the hill, I slowed to wait for a speed demon to go by then said screw it and took the left lane to follow my exact path. No damn problem, I may just have been the first day that I had the anxiety attack or maybe it was the happy pill. Either way, Im still taking it slow and having Len with me when I go out. At least for a bit, but damn it I can ride to Crofton this weekend!

Thats all for now, until the adventure returns!

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