Thursday, July 3, 2008

Just something to start with...

This was something I wrote with some prompting but it does encompass how I feel about being a Lady Rider... Thanks LD for making me do so. This is my contribution to a book titled "On Two Wheels"

As with the strength of being a woman, riding my own gives me my own independence and strength that I have in all areas of my life.
The Camaraderie and friendships that you build with other likeminded ladies forms bonds for life.
We are an exclusive group of women who have a lust for adventure and life and take the bull by the horns. Not to be left sitting behind or on the back seat. (unless we want to) The freedom riding brings, the wind in your face, the scents of nature and the beautiful scenery that is only that much better on a bike is empowering to me.
It is also a means of relieving your troubles and clearing ones head.
Whether it is a day long ride to destinations unknown or a short trip to the local shops doesn't matter. While riding, you have freedom, enjoyment and personal strength within yourself.
This is just a small insight into myself, and hence how I came to venture off alone to assist in another womans personal journey of a lifetime.

1 comment:

Josee D said...

Yes... that's exactly what I feel. It's so completely empowering! And to find a community that understands and shares this passion, well that just strengthens it all even more. I love my bike. I love the women on the forums. I love the strength I feel when I am riding, and I know it carries over into everything else in my life.