Thursday, July 3, 2008

How things started..

Well one day back in October 07, there was a post on our chapter forums about a new forum for Lady Riders, specifically Vancouver Island Lady Riders. So needless to say I mosied over to have a look about. What I found was a group of Ladies from all over the continent that were stopping in and introducing themselves.

Well I thought to myself this could be a good place to frequent on a regular basis. There were already a few of the ladies that I know on the site and introducing themselves. But the host of the forum I had not met YET!

We got to posting back and forth which led me to invite Flo to join us on a ride for lunch and meet in the middle. I live on the south island and she on the north. The group I was riding with that day had decided that we would lunch mid island and I thought it would be a good excuse for us to meet and start putting faces to names of those appearing on the forum.

Flo seemed stoked to come for a ride and meet us but unbenounced to me, she wasnt sure about riding down on her own to meet us. She called around trying to find some company for her ride but to no avail. So what does this chicken do but talk her BIG baby brother into riding beotch with her just so she wasnt alone. If you can imagine, this from the woman that I have grown close to and who just rode across the continent with many internet strangers!!! What a dope!

Well from this meeting the start of many good things happened. We have become close friends, She gave her baby bro the bug for riding, the forum has grown exponentially and the Conga was born.

All of this from a fresh forum and an afternoon meeting in the fall sunshine!!

1 comment:

Flo said...

Happy Anniversary Draggie
Time to start a Therapy Blog, continue on.. It's been a great year,